
  1. Assigning a new credit card to an MTX Club tab card
  2. Deleting a saved credit card
  3. Payments
  4. Viewing all tab cards
  5. Modifying tab card details
    1. Card name
    2. Card status
    3. Default limit
    4. Credit card
  6. Limit assignments for an event or date

Assigning a new credit card to an MTX Club tab card

1. You can add new credit cards to assign to tab cards from the Credit Cards tab.

2. Click on the + on the right-hand side. 

3. A window opens for you to enter the information from the card. When finished, press the green Add Card button to add it to the list of saved credit cards.

Deleting a saved credit card

1. After you save the credit card information, you cannot view it to change it. Use the trash can icon to delete the card from the list if it is no longer in use.


1. Dates, times, and amounts for payments against tab card accounts are listed on the Payments tab.

2. Generate a PDF copy of the payment details by clicking on the PDF icon in the column on the right.

Viewing all tab cards

1. When you log into the club card portal, the customer name and all associated tab cards associated are displayed. The card numbers (identifier), card names, status, default limits, and balances are also listed.

Modifying tab card details

1. To modify a card's name, status, limit, or credit card, click on the edit (pencil) icon.

Note: You cannot change the card number (identifier), status, and balance here.

Card name

1. To edit the card's name, click into the Name field and type in a new name. If no other changes are needed, press Save to keep your changes or Cancel to discard changes.

Card status

1. The card status can be changed from Active to Disabled using the drop-down menu. If no other changes are needed, press Save to keep your changes or Cancel to discard changes.

Default limit

1. To change the Default Limit for the tab card, enter the new limit. If no other changes are needed, press Save to keep your changes or Cancel to discard changes.

Credit card

1. Assign a different saved credit card by using the drop-down list in the Credit Card field. If no other changes are needed, press Save to keep your changes or Cancel to discard changes.

Limit assignments for an event or date

1. To set a limit for a specified event or date, click the + on the right-hand side.

2. A new window opens.

       a. Use the toggle switch to choose between an event or a date for the limit.

       b. Select the event or date by clicking the down arrow.

       c. Enter the amount for the Limit. Press the Add button to save your changes or Cancel to discard your changes.

3. Limit assignments for events and dates are displayed for the tab card.

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